Angela Wilson
MBR Therapist
Angela enjoyed an eighteen year career with BBC Television, the bulk of which was spent at the sharp end working as a Vision Mixer.
This fulfilling and much loved life was brought to an abrupt halt when she became ill with M.E, and the next nineteen years were spent basically in bed. In her quest for health she tried at least a dozen different ‘cures’, but extremely ill she remained until finally she came across a therapy that involved recognising and working with the all-important mind-body connection. To her astonishment she was symptom free and back firing on all cylinders in less than four months.
She trained as a Mickel Therapist in 2008, since when it has been her privilege, joy and passion to help her clients turn their lives around and reclaim their health, just as she herself had before them. In addition to her work with her own clients, for three years she acted as a clinical supervisor overseeing the work and development of new therapists.
Angela has since gone on to complete further training with Clare Caldwell and is excited now to be combining the best of recent thinking and knowledge about the mind-body connection, in particular that of Dr. Gabor Maté, with her existing knowledge and experience as she offers and delivers The MindBody Reconnect therapy.
She practises both face to face in Bramhall, south Manchester, and remotely via Skype or telephone.